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Developer and Auto Mechanics

Hello! I’m Jitendra Khadka Jitu.Developer 5 years of experience specializing in front end development. Experienced with all stages of the development cycle for dynamic web projects.Having an in-depth knowledge including advanced HTML5, CSS, Python, JSON, JavaScript, JQuery. Strong background in management and leadership.

Professional Skills


My Experience

  • Computer Programming Skill

  • 2014 - 2016

    Bacon Ipsum

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet ball tip jerky sirloin pancetta capicola prosciutto meatball pig leberkas cow pork chop shank meatloaf.

  • 2011 - 2014

    Bacon Ipsum

    Ground round short ribs fatback, salami shoulder sausage chuck shankle landjaeger drumstick ribeye meatloaf doner.

  • 2009 - 2011

    Bacon Ipsum

    Swine pork belly prosciutto jowl pork chop chicken filet mignon cupim doner boudin.

  • Auto Mechanics Skill

  • 2007 - 2009

    Bacon Ipsum

    Jerky corned beef jowl cupim hamburger, alcatra meatball swine pork chop ribeye leberkas short loin tenderloin picanha venison.

  • 2006 - 2007

    Bacon Ipsum

    Ribeye turducken flank cupim ball tip ham pork belly venison biltong pork chop jowl andouille spare ribs.

  • 2005 - 2006

    Bacon Ipsum

    Jerky corned beef jowl cupim hamburger, alcatra meatball swine pork chop ribeye leberkas short loin tenderloin picanha venison. Ribeye turducken flank cupim ball tip ham pork belly venison biltong pork chop jowl andouille spare ribs.

  • Graphics Design Skill

  • 2004 - 2005

    Bacon Ipsum

    Landjaeger cow flank ribeye meatball, corned beef tongue.

  • 2003 - 2004

    Bacon Ipsum

    Landjaeger cow flank ribeye meatball, corned beef tongue.

  • 2002 - 2004

    Bacon Ipsum

    Landjaeger cow flank ribeye meatball, corned beef tongue.

  • 2000 - 2002

    Bacon Ipsum

    Landjaeger cow flank ribeye meatball, corned beef tongue.

My Interest

First of all I love music, country music is my favorite. Love watching football, movies and visiting the places. I spend quite a lot of time in computer programming, these keeps me fresh for working environment. I also spend time in reparing car beacuse im a auto mechanics.

  • Music
  • Mechanics
  • Photo
  • Programming
  • Traveling
  • Short Movies

From the Blog

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some inteview question japanese language केही जापानीभाषा इन्टरभ्यु प्रश्नहरू

निहाेन्गाे दाइज्याेबु देशका /जापानी भाषामा कुरा गर्दा हुन्छ/जापानी भाषा चल्छ ? अाेनामायवा नान् देशका/नामाए अाेसीएते कुदासाइ/तपाइकाे न...
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दुइ अक्षर ठोकीदा हुने नयाँ उच्चारण
Nepali,Hindu Traditional Marriage(Widdning) ceremony of Basanta & Radha



$10 Basic Java Programming
  • Introduction to Java fundamentals
  • Hands-on exercises and projects
  • Debugging and problem-solving skills
* Recommended for beginners!
$15 Spring Boot Development
  • Building web applications with Spring Boot
  • RESTful API development
  • Database integration and ORM
* Most popular among Java developers!
$25 Full Stack Development
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Backend: Java, Spring Boot
  • Database: MySQL, MongoDB
  • Deployment and DevOps

Get in Touch



Get in Touch

Whether you have a question about my services, need assistance with a project, or just want to say hello, feel free to reach out to me. I'm here to help!

  • Jit Bahadur Khadka
  • Email:
  • Address: Tokyo Japan